- SplaneModel.train(max_epochs=300, convergence=0.0001, db_convergence=0, early_stop_epochs=10, d_l=0.5, simi_l=None, g_step=1, d_step=1, plot_step=5, save_path=None, prefix=None)
Training Splane model.
Training Splane model for identification of uniform spatial domains in multiple slics.
- Parameters:
max_steps – The max step of training. The training process will be stop when achive max step.
convergence – The total loss threshold for early stop.
db_convergence – The DBS threshold for early stop.
early_stop_epochs – The max epochs of loss difference less than convergence.
d_l – The weight of discriminator loss.
simi_l – The weight of similarity loss.
plot_step – The interval steps of training.
save_path – A string representing the path directory where the model is saved.
prefix – A string added to the prefix of file name of saved model.
- Returns: