Documentation Status PyPI

SPACEL: characterizing spatial transcriptome architectures by deep-learning


SPACEL (SPatial Architecture Characterization by dEep Learning) is a Python package of deep-learning-based methods for ST data analysis. SPACEL consists of three modules:

  • Spoint embedded a multiple-layer perceptron with a probabilistic model to deconvolute cell type composition for each spot on single ST slice.

  • Splane employs a graph convolutional network approach and an adversarial learning algorithm to identify uniform spatial domains that are transcriptomically and spatially coherent across multiple ST slices.

  • Scube automatically transforms the spatial coordinate systems of consecutive slices and stacks them together to construct a three-dimensional (3D) alignment of the tissue.


Latest updates

Version 1.1.6 2023-07-27

Fixed Bugs

  • Fixed a bug regarding the similarity loss weight hyperparameter simi_l, which in the previous version did not affect the loss value.

Version 1.1.5 2023-07-26

Fixed Bugs

  • Fixed a bug in the similarity loss of Splane, where it minimized the cosine similarity of the latent vectors of spots with their neighbors.


  • Optimized the time and memory consumption of the Splane training process for large datasets.

Version 1.1.2 2023-07-12

Fixed Bugs

  • Removed rpy2 from the pypi dependency of SPACEL. It now needs to be pre-installed when creating the environment through conda.

  • Fixed a bug in Scube where the best_model_state was not referenced before being used.


  • Added function documentations for Scube related to the GPR model.