- SpointModel.train(max_steps=5000, save_mode='all', save_path=None, prefix=None, sm_step=10, st_step=10, test_step_gap=1, convergence=0.001, early_stop=False, early_stop_max=2000, sm_lr=None, st_lr=None, batch_size=1024, rec_w=1, infer_w=1, m_w=1, scvi_max_epochs=100, scvi_early_stopping=True, scvi_batch_size=4096)
Training Spoint model.
Obtain latent feature from scVI then feed in Spoint model for training.
- Parameters:
max_steps – The max step of training. The training process will be stop when achive max step.
save_mode – A string determinates how the model is saved. It must be one of ‘best’ and ‘all’.
save_path – A string representing the path directory where the model is saved.
prefix – A string added to the prefix of file name of saved model.
convergence – The threshold of early stop.
early_stop – If True, turn on early stop.
early_stop_max – The max steps of loss difference less than convergence.
sm_lr – Learning rate for simulated data.
st_lr – Learning rate for spatial transcriptomic data.
batch_size – Batch size of the data be feeded in model once.
rec_w – The weight of reconstruction loss.
infer_w – The weig ht of inference loss.
m_w – The weight of MMD loss.
scvi_max_epochs – The max epoch of scVI.
scvi_batch_size – The batch size of scVI.
- Returns: