Scube tutorial: 3D expression modeling with gaussian process regression
July 2023
Dataset: 3D STARmap of mouse brain (here).
Note: If you want to run 3D expression GPR model in Scube, you need to install the Open3D python library first.
from SPACEL.setting import set_environ_seed
from SPACEL import Scube
from SPACEL.Scube.utils_3d import create_mesh, smooth_mesh, sample_in_mesh, get_surface_colors, save_view_parameters, load_view_parameters
import scanpy as sc
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
Setting environment seed: 42
Load data
The input data type of 3D expression model is normalized expression and 3D coordinates of each spot/cell.
st_ad = sc.read_h5ad('../data/starmap_3d_mouse_brain/starmap_3d_mouse_brain.h5ad')
# Normalized expression data (rows as spots/cells, columns as genes)
norm_expr = st_ad.to_df()
# 3D location (rows as spots/cells, columns as x,y,z axis coordinate)
loc = st_ad.obsm['spatial'].copy()
Generate 3D surface
In this step, we create a triangle mesh from 3D location coordinates of spots/cells by using alpha shape methods. By default the parameter α is automatically estimated, which affects the number of triangles in the mesh.
mesh = create_mesh(loc.values,alpha=80,show=False)
[Open3D WARNING] [CreateFromPointCloudAlphaShape] invalid tetra in TetraMesh
To obtain smoothed mesh, we can used Taubin filter and mesh subdivision for the mesh. By increasing taubin_iter
and subdivide_iter
will generate a smoother mesh.
mesh = smooth_mesh(mesh,taubin_iter=10,subdivide_iter=3,show=False)
filter with Taubin with 10 iterations
After subdivision it has 345092 vertices and 690176 triangles
Sampling 500000 location coordinates from inside the mesh and getting the vertices of the mesh surface.
loc_sampled,loc_surface = sample_in_mesh(mesh,loc.values)
Gaussian process regression
For better performance of GPR model, we recommend to resize the location coordinates value to about 0 to 10.
loc = loc/1000
loc_sampled = loc_sampled/1000
Then, we construct the GPR model and training it until convergence. If GPU devices avaliable, set use_gpu
to True
gpr_model = Scube.GPRmodel(norm_expr,loc.values,loc_sampled,used_genes=norm_expr.columns,use_gpu=False)
Modeling Slc17a7
Optimize lenthscale...
/opt/miniconda3/envs/SPACEL/lib/python3.8/site-packages/SPACEL-1.0a0-py3.8.egg/SPACEL/Scube/ UserWarning: To copy construct from a tensor, it is recommended to use sourceTensor.clone().detach() or sourceTensor.clone().detach().requires_grad_(True), rather than torch.tensor(sourceTensor).
constant = torch.tensor(self.train_y.mean())
/opt/miniconda3/envs/SPACEL/lib/python3.8/site-packages/gpytorch/functions/ UserWarning: torch.triangular_solve is deprecated in favor of torch.linalg.solve_triangularand will be removed in a future PyTorch release.
torch.linalg.solve_triangular has its arguments reversed and does not return a copy of one of the inputs.
X = torch.triangular_solve(B, A).solution
should be replaced with
X = torch.linalg.solve_triangular(A, B). (Triggered internally at /Users/runner/work/pytorch/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/BatchLinearAlgebra.cpp:2189.)
[L, torch.triangular_solve(Krows[..., m:, :].transpose(-1, -2), L, upper=False)[0].transpose(-1, -2)],
Initialize lenthscale alpha as 1.000
Best model loss: 1.1666253805160522
Best model loss: 1.548324704170227
Modeling Mgp
Optimize lenthscale...
Initialize lenthscale alpha as 1.000
Best model loss: 0.6543543338775635
Best model loss: 0.991144061088562
Modeling Gad1
Optimize lenthscale...
Initialize lenthscale alpha as 1.000
Best model loss: 1.7622023820877075
Best model loss: 1.8489148616790771
Modeling Nov
Optimize lenthscale...
Initialize lenthscale alpha as 1.000
Best model loss: 1.706119179725647
Best model loss: 1.7335630655288696
Modeling Rasgrf2
Optimize lenthscale...
Initialize lenthscale alpha as 1.000
Best model loss: 0.5395879149436951
Best model loss: 0.8652480244636536
Modeling Rorb
Optimize lenthscale...
Initialize lenthscale alpha as 1.000
Best model loss: 0.9758266806602478
Best model loss: 1.1724785566329956
Modeling Cux2
Optimize lenthscale...
Initialize lenthscale alpha as 1.000
Best model loss: 1.439920425415039
Best model loss: 2.089233636856079
Modeling Plcxd2
Optimize lenthscale...
Initialize lenthscale alpha as 1.000
Best model loss: 1.360386848449707
Best model loss: 1.7752330303192139
Modeling Sulf2
Optimize lenthscale...
Initialize lenthscale alpha as 1.000
Best model loss: 0.696236789226532
Best model loss: 0.8046963810920715
Modeling Ctgf
Optimize lenthscale...
Initialize lenthscale alpha as 1.000
Best model loss: 1.3529804944992065
Best model loss: 1.5123544931411743
Modeling Pcp4
Optimize lenthscale...
/opt/miniconda3/envs/SPACEL/lib/python3.8/site-packages/gpytorch/utils/ NumericalWarning: A not p.d., added jitter of 1.0e-06 to the diagonal
Initialize lenthscale alpha as 1.000
Best model loss: 1.4984480142593384
Best model loss: 1.8526679277420044
Modeling Sema3e
Optimize lenthscale...
Initialize lenthscale alpha as 1.000
Best model loss: 1.415098786354065
Best model loss: 1.5002400875091553
Modeling Npy
Optimize lenthscale...
Initialize lenthscale alpha as 1.000
Best model loss: 1.6847648620605469
Best model loss: 2.013796091079712
Modeling Sst
Optimize lenthscale...
Initialize lenthscale alpha as 1.000
Best model loss: 2.00138521194458
Best model loss: 2.1906580924987793
Modeling Pvalb
Optimize lenthscale...
Initialize lenthscale alpha as 1.000
Best model loss: 2.120755910873413
Best model loss: 2.386117696762085
Modeling Vip
Optimize lenthscale...
Initialize lenthscale alpha as 1.000
Best model loss: 2.1072800159454346
Best model loss: 2.3525805473327637
Modeling Calb2
Optimize lenthscale...
Initialize lenthscale alpha as 1.000
Best model loss: 0.5619483590126038
Best model loss: 0.9096982479095459
Modeling Cck
Optimize lenthscale...
Initialize lenthscale alpha as 1.000
Best model loss: 1.456984281539917
Best model loss: 1.6856448650360107
Modeling Reln
Optimize lenthscale...
Initialize lenthscale alpha as 1.000
Best model loss: 1.3323649168014526
Best model loss: 1.425437092781067
Modeling Fos
Optimize lenthscale...
Initialize lenthscale alpha as 1.000
Best model loss: 1.4171642065048218
Best model loss: 1.7169770002365112
Modeling Egr1
Optimize lenthscale...
Initialize lenthscale alpha as 1.000
Best model loss: 1.6372140645980835
Best model loss: 1.9656829833984375
Modeling Prok2
Optimize lenthscale...
Initialize lenthscale alpha as 1.000
Best model loss: 1.3214738368988037
Best model loss: 1.5150748491287231
Modeling Egr2
Optimize lenthscale...
Initialize lenthscale alpha as 1.000
Best model loss: 1.829037070274353
Best model loss: 2.1909055709838867
Modeling Bdnf
Optimize lenthscale...
Initialize lenthscale alpha as 1.000
Best model loss: 1.3676759004592896
Best model loss: 1.5427753925323486
Modeling Gja1
Optimize lenthscale...
Initialize lenthscale alpha as 1.000
Best model loss: 1.0627855062484741
Best model loss: 1.2011107206344604
Modeling Ctss
Optimize lenthscale...
Initialize lenthscale alpha as 1.000
Best model loss: 1.0996112823486328
Best model loss: 1.183321237564087
Modeling Mbp
Optimize lenthscale...
Initialize lenthscale alpha as 1.000
Best model loss: 1.1970020532608032
Best model loss: 1.6298285722732544
Modeling Flt1
Optimize lenthscale...
Initialize lenthscale alpha as 1.000
Best model loss: 1.5456669330596924
Best model loss: 1.8425877094268799
By calculating bayes factor, we can statistical identification the spatially varying genes in 3D expression model. For a gene, larger Bayes factor values indicate more spatial variation.
log_bf | |
Cux2 | 0.649313 |
Mbp | 0.432827 |
Plcxd2 | 0.414846 |
Slc17a7 | 0.381699 |
Egr2 | 0.361869 |
Pcp4 | 0.35422 |
Calb2 | 0.34775 |
Mgp | 0.33679 |
Npy | 0.329031 |
Egr1 | 0.328469 |
Rasgrf2 | 0.32566 |
Fos | 0.299813 |
Flt1 | 0.296921 |
Pvalb | 0.265362 |
Vip | 0.245301 |
Cck | 0.228661 |
Rorb | 0.196652 |
Prok2 | 0.193601 |
Sst | 0.189273 |
Bdnf | 0.175099 |
Ctgf | 0.159374 |
Gja1 | 0.138325 |
Sulf2 | 0.10846 |
Reln | 0.093072 |
Gad1 | 0.086712 |
Sema3e | 0.085141 |
Ctss | 0.08371 |
Nov | 0.027444 |
Visualization of the GRP model result for any genes.
g = 'Cux2'
# Expression of sampled location from the 3D mesh
sampled_expr = gpr_model.plot_gpr_expr(g,s=.1,training_iter=50,lr=.02,save=False,show=True,elev=45,azim=45,cmap='Spectral_r',zlim=(-0.3,0.4))
# Expression of surface location from the 3D mesh
surface_expr = gpr_model.plot_gpr_expr(g,data=loc_surface/1000,s=.1,training_iter=50,lr=.02,save=False,show=True,elev=45,azim=45,cmap='Spectral_r',zlim=(-0.3,0.4))
# Expression of measurement location from the observation
/opt/miniconda3/envs/SPACEL/lib/python3.8/site-packages/SPACEL-1.0a0-py3.8.egg/SPACEL/Scube/ UserWarning: To copy construct from a tensor, it is recommended to use sourceTensor.clone().detach() or sourceTensor.clone().detach().requires_grad_(True), rather than torch.tensor(sourceTensor).
observed_pred_batch = self.model.likelihood(self.model(torch.tensor(data_batch)))
This step colored mesh surface with GPR expression. It can be used for visualization of the GRP model result with Open3D
Save the camera view parameters in a json file and then load it at the next visualization.
save_view_parameters(mesh, 'view_parameters.json')
g = 'Mbp'
# Expression of surface location from the 3D mesh
surface_expr = gpr_model.plot_gpr_expr(g,data=loc_surface/1000,s=.1,training_iter=50,lr=.02,save=False,show=False,elev=45,azim=45,cmap='Spectral_r',zlim=(-0.3,0.4))
load_view_parameters(mesh, 'view_parameters.json')