Spoint tutorial: Deconvolution of cell types composition on human brain Visium dataset
July 2023
Dataset: Visium slices of human dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (here).
from SPACEL.setting import set_environ_seed
from SPACEL import Spoint
import scanpy as sc
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
matplotlib.rcParams['pdf.fonttype'] = 42
matplotlib.rcParams['ps.fonttype'] = 42
matplotlib.rcParams['font.serif'] = ['Arial']
sc.settings.verbosity = 3
Setting environment seed: 42
Using GPU: 0
Load spatial transcriptomics data
The input data are anndata objects stored raw counts for scRNA-seq and ST. The scRNA-seq anndata must have cell type annotation in .obs
sc_ad = sc.read_h5ad('../data/visium_human_DLPFC/human_MTG_snrna_norm_by_exon.h5ad')
st_ad = sc.read_h5ad('../data/visium_human_DLPFC/human_DLPFC_spatial_151676.h5ad')
filtered out 12226 genes that are detected in less than 1 cells
filtered out 32 genes that are detected in less than 1 cells
Initialize the Spoint model
In this step, we initialize the Spoint model using anndata objects for scRNA-seq and ST as input. The celltype_key
parameter represents the column name of the cell type annotation in the .obs
attribute of the scRNA-seq anndata object. The sm_size
parameter controls the number of simulated spots, and it is important to have a sufficient sm_size
for accurate prediction. However, it should be noted that increasing the sm_size
will also increase the simulation and training time.
In general, we recommend setting sm_size
to a value greater than 100,000.
spoint_model = Spoint.init_model(sc_ad,st_ad,celltype_key='cluster_label',deg_method='t-test',sm_size=100000,use_gpu=True)
Setting global seed: 42
normalizing counts per cell
finished (0:00:02)
normalizing counts per cell
finished (0:00:00)
### Finding marker genes...
ranking genes
finished: added to `.uns['rank_genes_groups']`
'names', sorted np.recarray to be indexed by group ids
'scores', sorted np.recarray to be indexed by group ids
'logfoldchanges', sorted np.recarray to be indexed by group ids
'pvals', sorted np.recarray to be indexed by group ids
'pvals_adj', sorted np.recarray to be indexed by group ids (0:05:11)
Astro L1 FGFR3 FOS 200
Exc L6 FEZF2 VWA2 200
Inh L1-6 VIP PENK 200
Inh L1-6 PVALB SCUBE3 200
Inh L1-6 LAMP5 CA13 200
Inh L6 SST NPY 124
Inh L1 ADARB2 DISP2 109
Inh L1-2 PVALB TAC1 91
VLMC L1-3 CYP1B1 38
Inh L6 LAMP5 ANKRD20A11P 28
Name: count, Length: 120, dtype: int64
### Used gene numbers: 5137
### Initializing sample probability
### Genetating simulated spatial data using scRNA data with mode: unbalance
### Genetating simulated spatial data using scRNA data with mode: sqrt
### Genetating simulated spatial data using scRNA data with mode: balance
Training the Spoint model
Here, we train the model to obtain the optimal model for cell type deconvolution. The max_steps
parameter represents the maximum number of steps in the training process. If the early_stop
parameter is set to True
, the model will stop training before reaching the maximum number of steps if the model has converged.
spoint_model.train(max_steps=5000, batch_size=1024)
Epoch 100/100: 100%|██████████| 100/100 [07:03<00:00, 4.17s/it, loss=1.64e+03, v_num=1]
`Trainer.fit` stopped: `max_epochs=100` reached.
Epoch 100/100: 100%|██████████| 100/100 [07:03<00:00, 4.24s/it, loss=1.64e+03, v_num=1]
Step 5000: Test inference loss=-0.557: 100%|██████████| 5000/5000 [3:18:22<00:00, 2.38s/it]
Visualization results
Then, we utilize the trained model to predict the cell type composition of each spot in the spatial transcriptomics data. This prediction will generate a DataFrame
object, where each row corresponds to a spot in the spatial transcriptomics data, each column represents a cell type from the single-cell RNA-seq data, and each entry indicates the proportion of a particular cell type in a spot. Additionally, we can obtain the anndata object of the spatial transcriptomics data with the
deconvolution results embedded in the .obs
pre = spoint_model.deconv_spatial()
st_ad = spoint.st_ad
We can see the result of deconvolution in the ST slice.