- GPRmodel.train(lr=1, training_iter=500, save_model=True, save_pred=False, cal_bf=False, optim_l=False, optimize_method='Adam')
Training GPR model
Training GPR model.
- Parameters:
lr – The learning rate used in the training process.
training_iter – The number of iterations for the training.
save_model – A boolean value indicating whether to save the trained model. The default value is True.
save_pred – A boolean value indicating whether to save the prediction results.
cal_bf – A boolean value indicating whether to calculate the BF (Bayes factor) value.
optim_l – A boolean value indicating whether to optimize the initial length scale value.
optimize_method – The optimization method used in the training. It must be one of ‘Adam’ and ‘LBGFS’. By default, it is set to ‘Adam’.
- Returns: